Covid-19 is a global pandemic that has coated the world with a blanket of fear, and has put peoples lives on hold. This fear that has suffocated the globe, seems to go around my hometown. The very beginning people were following the protocol: staying inside as much as possible, wearing a mask at all time, and most importantly social distancing and avoiding large groups. After less than a month it seemed like this terrible virus wasn’t real. There were no cases in our town, so people began to not take it seriously. Life went back to normal with the exception of wearing a mask.
During the beginning of the pandemic I was lucky to be living with a few friends so we just stayed inside and kept ourselves entertained. While we followed the rules created to stop the slow of the virus, we saw that almost no people around us were. Most people got back to work, online school was still happening, and parties were still going on every weekend. It seemed as if the CoronaVirus left our town unaffected. The people who were partying and going out all the time were in the later teen age, the false sense of being untouchable by the virus had kicked in. On the news I saw many times that the age most affected, was the same age of the people in my town constantly going out and being with large crowds.
The people that were not taking this virus seriously, lacked responsibility. I did not like being around such careless people, they were not helping anyone by their actions, only taking risks and chances of affecting other people’s lives. I personally was not affected by this virus, but I know many people have been, and I feel sympathy for them, I wish more people would take this seriously so it can come to an end.
Submitted by Hana Libonati, San Bernardino County – Oak Hills.