The pandemic of COVID-19 has been the most discussed subject in the world for the past previous months. The year of 2020 has been the most difficult year to get through and not only has this whole situation brought us together but it has vaguely shown us how fast everything can change in less than a couple of months. From people following the law and practicing social distancing to irresponsible Americans avoiding a face mask for their likes. All we have to do to defeat this virus is protect ourselves and take precautions when leaving your home. We can all come together and put an end to all of this for good.
The most challenging part of this widespread has been going out. Personally, when I have plans that inquire about leaving the house I feel restricted from going out because I believe I could be carrying the virus. A reason why we should be practicing social distancing and wearing a mask every single time we go out in public. Our government never should have opened malls, restaurants and public places because people will not listen and the virus will only be encouraged and unstoppable. It also shouldn’t be hard to wear a mask in public. If you don’t have the option of social distancing at least wear a mask, it is that simple. Not only does it protect you but it also protects everyone in your surroundings. Unfortunately good things come to an end and my 19th birthday was a little different. My birthday took place during the middle of COVID-19 in the month of May. We tend to go out when it’s someone’s birthday and we celebrate but we just knew we couldn’t put ourselves out there and risk getting us and others sick.
Not only was my birthday ruined but my high school graduation was cancelled. My class of 2020 was really upset when we heard the news about not being able to graduate. It did hit home at some point because all of my siblings got a graduation and since I am the youngest it was going to be the last high school graduation for us to attend. There were a bunch of petitions from the current 2020 classes asking for a ceremony and we were told it could happen in December but nobody knows what the plan is now. I’m really upset that we couldn’t get a ceremony because every day of high school I dreaded the day I graduate. I worked so hard to get to where I am at and I know others feel the same way I do. It may not be fair for the majority of us but we also have no control of this. Surprisingly, there have been lots of acts of kindness that I have heard about in my community and it really warms up my heart. My mom told me about a handful of teenagers volunteering to go out and buy groceries for the elderlys. I feel like sometimes tough situations show people’s true colors and it’s just amazing how there’s actually people who care about a total stranger’s well being and not just themselves. Our high schools in the community also were really helpful to a handful of kids from their school. The high school that I went to provided us with food and hygiene products and it really did help out some of us, especially for those who struggle with financial aid. You’d think that a time like this everybody would be too scared to worry about someone that isn’t them or their family.
Submitted by Victoria Flores, San Diego – San Diego County.