There has been a big impact on our appearances as the weeks of the Shelter in Place have dragged on. Not having to face people in an office along with expanding waistlines due to The Covid-19 have led to much wearing of sweatpants. Many days, I have found myself unable to change out of my pajamas until noon, and then only because I have to go to the grocery store or have a video conference. For videoconference, I often only change my shirt. Hair salons and barbers have been designated as Non-Essential services so professional haircuts are not available. A Facebook poll showed about 80% of people have chosen to just let their hair grow, rather than risk a tressful disaster by cutting it themselves. As my bangs have grown out I have reverted to my schoolgirl days putting them up with a barrette. Makes me feel young again, even though it looks kind of silly on my middle-aged face. But not as bad as a botched bangs job would look, so I’m good with it. My son has also decided to let his hair grow, with interesting results.
Submitted by Margaret Ma, Santa Clara County
Editor’s Note: This is one of a series. The links to all twelve parts are: Syllabus, Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4, Lesson 5, Lesson 6, Lesson 7, Lesson 8, Lesson 9, Lesson 10, and Final Exam.