No matter how justified by the current stressful circumstances, a straight diet of comfort food full of calories, fat and carbohydrates causes weight gain. A couple weeks ago, I started calling my noticeable increase in poundage TheCovid-19, hoping that by naming my enemy I might be able to fight it. I notice from my Facebook feed, I am not doing battle alone against this weighty enemy. Others too are calling out The Covid-19 for what it is, a hefty health menace, and mustering their mental and physical forces to fight against it. All our collective efforts are beginning to turn the tide, both against The Covid-19 and the actual disease-causing Covid-19 virus.
Submitted by Margaret Ma, Santa Clara County
Editor’s Note: This is one of a series. The links to all twelve parts are: Syllabus, Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4, Lesson 5, Lesson 6, Lesson 7, Lesson 8, Lesson 9, Lesson 10, and Final Exam.