Hello All,
Welcome to the first installment of Limerick of the Day Covid-19 edition
Limerick of the Day #1
Did’ja hear Congress just passed a bill!
To support those hurt and those who are ill
Is it too much to ask
For N95 masks
From Dr. Birx with her scarf-tying skills?
Limerick of the Day #2
Not yet common in the U.S. of A.
But could be in the upcoming day
With no reason why
Stores are out of 2-ply
There may soon be a run on bidets!
Limerick of the Day #3
While there’s no cure yet and still no vaccine
For the scourge known as Covid19
Do not roam
Too far from home
Stay close and sip your Quarantini!
Limerick of the Day #4
We’re on call after call using Zoom
The only busines of late with a boom
Be hyper aware
Don’t flash derriere
Taking the phone with you into the bathroom
Limerick of the Day #5
In dearth of resources, he’s made a dent-er
1000 beds added to the Javitz Center
New York’s Major Domo
Governor Andrew Cuomo
The 2020 Race, would you lease choose to enter!
Limerick of the Day #6
There once was a gent named Jim Coatley
Who was smitten with Annie McToatley
He met his date
On a virtual date
And was wed with the clergy remotely
Limerick of the Day #7
“What are the new guidelines?” you ask
With purpose we approach each new task
Nothing could go wrong
Converting your thong
Into a protective face mask
Limerick of the Day #8
We’ve come to learn a new lexicon
Social Distance, PPE’s, on and on
No longer just pervs
Obsessed with the curves
Stay 6’ from me and beyond!
Limerick of the Day #9
The experts don’t know what to do
Just whip out your lead no. 2
If you need a test
I would suggest
Call the masters at Princeton Review!
Limerick of the Day #10
Each day at the Task Force press brief
Kicks off with the wind bag in chief
Sit on the couch-y
Await Dr. Fauci
His steadfastness provides some relief
Limerick of the Day #11
Can’t see friends nor go on a date
We must all take charge of our fate
When you’re at home
And all alone
You can always just master… an instrument
Limerick of the Day #12
Yes, the doctors and nurses are brave
But not nearly as courageous as Dave
Let his wife cut his hair
But he didn’t tip fair
So she didn’t throw in a hot shave
Limerick of the Day #13
April 8, 2020
This Pesach is completely surreal
I know that you know how I feel
Don’t have the kishkes
To change all the dishes
For this small stay-at-home festive meal
Limerick of the Day #14
April 9, 2020
We tell of the evil Egyptian
Of G-d’s signs and wonders and omens
Seder online
It should be fine
Do we Google search for Afikomen?
Limerick of the Day # 15
April 10, 2020
The statistics and graphs all lay bar
That we can’t get a grasp on this scare
The end of this mess
Is a wild ass guess
Based on more models than in Vanity Fair
Limerick of the Day # 16
April 11, 2020
Notable in these Covid climes
For the Journal and for the Times
Bernie drops the race
And nary a trace
Of this news makes major headlines
Limerick of the Day # 17
April 12, 2020
Wish your Easter is lovely and sunny
With a visit by the Easter bunny
But pray tell
Run like hell
If he arrives with a nose that is runny
Limerick of the Day #18
April 13, 2020
My hair is all matted and snarley
Truth be told, it is downright gnarley
It took an hour
Of work in the shower
So I no longer look like Bob Marley
Limerick of the Day #19
April 14, 2020
Wash your hands with all of your loyalty
To disrupt the virus’ moiety (yeah, look it up)
Happy Bday Song
A full 20” long
Venmo the composer his royalty
Limerick of the Day #20
April 15, 2020
Presenting the Limerick Du Jour
A bit quirky, that is for sure
Virus design
In the fall line
On the catwalks of haute couture
Submitted by Johanna Rose, Orange County – Newport Beach.
Editor’s Note: This is one of a series. The links to all four parts are: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.