COVID has taken a toll on all of us. As a high school junior, I have learned to strictly follow safety requirements and maintain distance from family, friends, and loved ones. In doing so many of us have missed out on opportunities, experiences, and the very things that we had so easily taken advantage of pre-pandemic.
Since I attend school remotely; all sports, school activities, and exciting events have been canceled. In the midst of a global crisis, it isn’t easy to find the light amongst all the darkness that the year of 2020’s shadow cast upon us; however, I was able to find an activity that grounded me throughout the COVID-19 roller coaster. Art has created a platform and atmosphere in which I express my emotions, and divert my attention from the disease that has taken over our lives. Art helps me heal and creates a powerful connection between my mind and body; it allows me to relax. The satisfaction of finishing a piece of artwork, good or bad, has the power to keep me going. Another activity that has helped me mentally is yoga. It highlights body awareness, relieves stress, and reduces muscle tension. I do yoga for an hour and a half each morning on Zoom with nine of my cousins. It’s always fun to relieve stress alongside the people I love.
We will get through this.
Submitted by Nisha Annamalai, Alameda County – Fremont.