For an invigorating, crisp sunny morning,
The sun peeking its head out for a new day of possibilities,
The whispering wind rustling through the leaves of the
Lean, graceful, white ash tree
With strong roots, able to withstand night and day,
Reminding me of the hope and promise of a new day, of a new year,
A chance to refresh and restart.
The familiar neighborhood sounds start to echo
Safety and normalcy :
The toddler’s endless circling around on his play vehicle,
Clickety-clack in the cul-de-sac,
Ping- the sound of the Prius door left open again,
The sounds of daily life continuing on as the
Sun’s vibrant rays continue to shine, warming the earth, the wind
Breathing new life into me, into our neighborhood, into our society.
Daily life encompassing a strange new normal that is becoming more and more
Familiar, with the sight of dog-walkers and joggers
Pulling their masks up and averting their eyes
When crossing paths with anyone else even for a split second
As if they were armed and dangerous or had a contagious disease.
This is the strange, new
We have become accustomed to during this
Global coronavirus pandemic.
Something from a science fiction novel or real life ?
A new challenge to navigate, one pump of hand sanitizer at a time ?
This virus, an invisible enemy wreaking havoc on our world,
Causing surges of anxiety, depression, financial insecurity, illness, and job loss,
An unpredictable, frightening present and
With concerned citizens afraid to leave their houses,
Crowds of anxious shoppers hoarding toilet paper and fighting over basic
necessities in grocery stores, human instincts kicking in
During times of war and uncertainty.
But let us recall the kindness of neighbors lending a helping hand,
The compassion of a warm smile or wave, a friendly phone call or sociallydistanced visit with loved ones.
Let us remember our courageous teachers, nurses, doctors, first-responders, and
Ordinary citizens dedicating their lives to help keep this crisis at bay.
During these challenging times, I remain
Carrying the glimmer of hope in my back pocket as I strive to
Keep living, day by day, hoping and trusting that our broken world
Will truly begin to heal, to trust again, to live again, although
Is different than we may have imagined for the twenty-first century.
I am grateful for the joyful moments and the arduous ones,
For the strength to persevere, to make a small difference somehow
In this chaotic world.
For the present, for the
For this time to feel, to grieve,
To laugh, to heal, to hope, to trust, to love,
To remain calm and steadfast, to wake up each morning to see the
Sun peeking its head out for a new day of
Submitted by Amanda deBerardinis, San Diego County – San Diego.