Gowan Family Experiences 2020 December 30, 2020 Empty Shelves at Wal Mart in Ukiah. March 16, 2020. Athena and William running around the closed playground at the park. March 19, 2020. No potatoes at Safeway. March 19, 2020. Clothing and shoes are “nonessential.” April 19, 2020. Waiting in line for food. July 1, 2020. Driving under the plane that dropped fire retardant over the HWY 101. August 26, 2020. My daughter Athena drew what she doesn’t like about Covid. September 2020. My daughter Athena drew what she does like about Covid’s Shelter in Place. September 2020. My son William drew what he doesn’t like about Covid. September 2020. My son William drew that he likes going to in person school during the Covid pandemic. September 2020. Submitted by Melissa Gowan, Mendocino County – Ukiah.