I lived on a mountain so Covid didnt affect me that much. I had more important things to worry about at the time, like food and water. I had a fever of 102 for a couple of days but i wasnt worried about it. It all puts love into perspective though. Love isnt “I need to see you” (and get my germs all over you). Love is, “Are you okay? Well good, because I didnt want to see you anyway.” ?
Anyway, the sheriff kicked me out of my home sometime in April. For my protection from high mercury levels they said. im not sure how throwing somone out of their home is any better. Im still homeless. Its been 7 months. I am treated as though its by choice. There has been no recognition that my rights have been violated. Its as if I am not worthy of legal protection according to the law. I can’t fight from the bottom. Not after everything Ive been through. Its beyond a test of strength. Its the need to stop fighting if fighting means dying.

Submitted by No Knees, Kern County – Ridgecrest.