How has your life changed?
I am home with my teenage son and husband most of the day now. Before the shelter-in-place order, we spent a great deal of the day away from one another: at school for my son, at work for my husband and myself. I drove often to drop my son off, pick him up, get myself to work, and then to all the after school activities as well. The car and separate activities were a big part of our pre-COVID life.
Who shares your home space with you? What kind of home do you share?
I share my home with my teenage son, my husband, and our cat — we now have a new puppy (a COVID silver lining). We live next door to my parents — who both over 80 years old.
How have your relationships changed since the Stay at Home order?
I feel I have grown closer to my teenage son. Each of us has had to learn how to give each other their own space and time, but it has been a blessing to be there when people are feeling troubled and want to tell someone. My husband and I share more of the household duties – shopping and cooking and caring for our pets. My relationship with my elderly parents has changed quite a bit. With them living right next door, I used to visit daily, but COVID 19 has me fearful and protective. So, I have avoided entering their house or being too close and this has been difficult to find “just the right balance” to everyone’s liking.
How has school changed for those in your family?
My son attends his high school classes all online – using Google Classroom. He has the equipment he needs and his work ample working space – although it is in his room, which I do not think is ideal. I am a “Google Classroom Guardian” which provides me weekly notification of assignments and progress, which is something.
Has your family developed any new hobbies? What are they?
Hobbies have come and gone the longer the shelter in place is in effect. In the early days, we all tried our hand at painting things: signs for the deliver people, a water bottle my son wanted to decorate, etc. I used origami paper to cover recycled gift boxes. The longer the shelter in place continues, I’m back to work remotely and my son is back to school and there are fewer hobbies. My son connects with friends over video games, and we all are learning about being a family with a new dog.
Submitted by Alisa Adams, Sonoma County – Sonoma.