Everything stopped. All of sudden, the world was changed due to Covid 19. My husband works at home in the office online, and my children also take classes online. In the news, the world looks like a war, but our daily lives are peaceful. We wake up at the same time as usual, even if we can’t do anything. After eating breakfast, my husband makes coffee for me. During the day, my husband works at home in the office, my children take classes in their room, and I take Newport Beach Library’s literacy program through Zoom classes. I love this time because I can meet my dear teachers and friends. It makes me really happy because I’m able to interact with others, who aren’t my family, but also learn new things everyday. After lunch everybody goes back to their room and spends time with work or classes again, but my youngest daughter, Janet, has a lesson with me. During this time she learns shapes, numbers, alphabets, and also has craft or painting time. After having a class with Janet, we go into the vegetable garden. We enjoy our gardening time together. In the early evening, Janet has Youtube storytime on the Newport Beach Library’s website while I clean around the house. After dinner my family and I watch Netflix and that’s when I realized that my family had never really spent time together in this home for a long time. Maybe this is what makes my daily life so peaceful.
Submitted by Anna Kwon, Orange County – Irvine.