The hedgehog’s dilemma is a concept in psychology popularized by Sigmund Freud. It describes a situation where a group of hedgehogs must huddle together in order to share warmth during cold weather. As they try to get closer to each other their spines poke each other so they cannot get too close. Similarly, humans need connection and intimacy during difficult times, but the closer they get to each other the more they hurt each other. This is exactly what I experienced during quarantine. I felt lonely and isolated and I reached out to my family for comfort but, their spines hurt me and I pulled away. I isolated myself more and more and felt miserable. This is what I seek to communicate through my drawing. 3 hedgehogs are trapped in a box, each of them sitting at the corners of each room. The box represents the claustrophobia brought on by quarantine. The hedgehogs are shoved against the corner of the room because, they are trying to avoid the pain of each others spines.

Submitted by Mangala H., Santa Clara County – Sunnyvale.