During this quarantine period, I learned how quickly the world could change in only three months. Before this time, life was completely different than it is now. Malls were busy, and all of us were in a classroom. Three months later, and we are all staying home and shopping less. This virus may affect life permanently, as it will transition society to the internet. For example, we take the internet for granted while doing online work and schooling. If it was not for this technology, we would have no online school at all, and students will fall behind. Without the internet, people will not be able to work from home, which will hurt the economy. This virus is certainly cutting down jobs, such as manufacturing, as workers will refuse to go to work under the fear of catching the virus. Due to this, many blue collar jobs may be purely or partially automated by machines in the near future. Many malls will struggle, especially the ones with low traffic volume before the pandemic. The livelihood of Americans, especially the poor and working class, will decrease. Many families will go hungry or live in a terrible financial state, due to the virus closing down businesses and workplaces. There will definitely be more xenophobia and racism against East Asians, due to “causing” the virus.
Submitted by Andrew K., San Jose County – San Jose.