Akshaj Mehta is a 14 year old and 10th grader in Np3 High School in Sacramento. He is the creator of the website writetolead.com, which is a safe platform for young students (6-16) years of age to have their writing pieces / Reviews and videos published onto. Akshaj created a Writing Spree during this the COVID-19 Lockdown to help students use their time creatively while stuck home.
Let me set the scene for America about 4 months ago. Our community was not taking this situation seriously. The deciding government did not take any actions as of yet but cases continued to rise. Fast forward to today? Well, we hear in the news that America has low testing kits, and other important supplies are in need for our health professionals. Beaches, State Parks, restaurants and all non-essential business are now closed. Even sports are cancelled. We could have been more prepared for this situation considering the time we had.
Now, COVID-19 has had a direct impact on me and my family these past few weeks. We have been stocking up on supplies but have not crossed the threshold of panic buying. I am unsure why so many Americans find the urgency to overtake supplies they very well do not need. Many elderly are not able to go out and get such supplies and others are taking away that opportunity.
Np3 has been closed till further notice. We are in week 5 of distance learning. This affected my grades as I have been working really hard towards my classes and was disappointed for the closure. During self-quarantine, I now realize how important school is and have started to find out how true the phrase “Be careful what you wish for” is. My teachers continuously send out emails to parents and students to inform us about details for the situation regarding our school, and I am really grateful for that fact. My 8 year old brother on the other hand has been enjoying his break as he cannot fully grasp what is happening right now.
A bright side to this whole situation is it definitely brings you and your family together or at least what I have experienced. I have noticed changes with me and brother and my whole family’s attitude toward each other. Greater appreciation and more empathy are the 2 main traits that have increased during this time. The shutdown leaves a lot of time to truly reflect on everything that’s going on in our lives.
To all the readers, please take precautions for your safety. There is a reason why there have been shutdowns and closings etc. Stay safe and healthy. Take this time as an opportunity for ourselves to grow. Read a new book, watch the new show you wanted to, learn how to cook that dish you always wanted to. There is a lot of time on our hands and we can learn from all of this.
Submitted by Akshaj Mehta, Sacramento County – Sacramento.