The date is June 23rd, 2020 and we are over 3 months into the pandemic, I have officially lost my mind.
COVID-19 is not something I have ever imagined happening before. I am graduating 6th grade this year from Gardner Bullis Elementry and our graduation was fun. We did a parade from Gardner Bullis till Orange Avenue and back, after that, we went to the Ice Cream truck near Orange avenue. We are also doing online girl scouts we do one food activity and one craft activity. For example, when I was leading we made microwave cookies and care packages for mailmen, garbage truck drivers, and anyone else whom you wanted to show appreciation for, we have also made a microwave mug cake and painted rocks with messages for encouragement, we put them near the heart statue on Foothill Expressway.
COVID-19 brought my brother back from his grad school in Boston. The last time I saw him was December 2019 he came back to California on March 16th, 2020. I think the hardest part is the fact that I don’t have my friends, believe me, I love my family like crazy but they are also going crazy. I mean nowadays I can’t see my friends without being afraid if they have Coronavirus. Yet, I see my friends at least once a week to three times a week. We typically walk downtown with our masks and we talk go for lunch and do all that.
COVID-19 has made me feel that I should do some more charity work for animals, people, etc. COVID-19 won’t be the same after we get out of shelter in place, well in my opinion. I have a bad feeling that a lot of shops may not come back because all these chain stores are going to take over. COVID-19 is so hard, but I try to look on the bright side even though a lot of people are dying it is hard too but I try like for starters my family is getting a Labradoodle because my dad after years and years finally said yes, and I am learning how to make stickers. Hopefully, the pandemic will be over though, it is scary.
So for all the readers who are reading this here is a list of things to do if there is another pandemic wherever you are.
- Do Duolingo/ learn a new language
- Study! You may be behind in your subjects if you don’t
- Make up a game
- Make a story
- See if you can call or text your friends
- Learn a new craft
- Read the newspaper
- Paint something
- Give care packages, send a thank you card to a doctor or hospital, or something like that.
- Organize your room this is a must-do!!
Bonus- 11. STAY HOME!!!
Ciao Ciao, Ateeya
Submitted by Ateeya Kaul, Santa Clara County – Los Altos Hills.