My name is Mia. I am 13 years old. If you have not noticed already the whole entire world is going through a pandemic also now as Covid – 19. I have seen different types of things happening on the streets all around the world. Such as, protests and riots. This has been a big change for everyone including myself sometimes I Just wish things would just go back to the way they were. But, you know what’s weird about all this it’s that for the 13 years I have been alive I have not seen the world like this ever.
I have always wondered why the world is still like this, why the police are still acting and treating African American people differently than whites and all other races. If I was in charge of the world and if I could make a difference in any way I would treat people the same no matter what different race, gender, or religion they have or are they still have feelings and opinions and I feel that everyone should respect that. When I was in kindergarten I was the only one who was darker skinned than everyone else. I was not only different because of my skin color but also because of my race and my life before being adopted. My life before being adopted was not so good. I was living on the streets of LA in a box and I thought I would never have a place to call home.
I felt like I was an outcast and I thought I was never going to have parents who love me. Soon after I was taken away from my parents and this was before I got adopted I lived in 5 different foster homes. Until, one day when I was 7 months old there was a person that wanted to have me as their child. It took awhile for (My mom) to take care of me forever and she had to go through several different courts in order for her to claim me as her daughter. My final verdict on the things that are happening in the world are that it is not ok and people should not be judging people based on anything or not be judging people in general.
Submitted by Mia, Los Angeles County – Pasadena.