This has not been that much fun at all
Self-quarantine2 is extremely boring
I wish this virus3 would be over, it’s annoying
I wish I could see my friends instead of call
I wish I could drive to the shopping mall
Social distancing4 is quite hard, abhorring
My new life, I am constantly imploring
Different things to do, maybe play volleyball
Though my day seems to go by very slow,
I do get to spend quality, germ5-free time with you
Tanning outside or swimming all day,
Baking cookies at night or watching our show
While we stay at home6, we still have fun—who knew
We would have a blast just sitting in our driveway?
1 Pandemic : an outbreak of a disease occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an
exceptionally high proportion of the population.
2 Self-quarantine : staying at home away from anyone else if you have been exposed to the virus
for at least 14 days.
3 Virus : non-living sub-microscopic molecules that can multiply only when attached to the living
cells of a host; they cause diseases in their hosts (human, animal, and/or plant).
4 Social distancing : staying at least 6 feet apart from another person.
5 Germ : a living microorganism that can cause disease in its host.
6 Stay at home : stay home except for essential movement, such as going to the doctor or grocery
story. Used during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Submitted by Yasmine Parsi, Los Angeles County – Los Angeles.