This was a blog entry I wrote at home during the mandatory Shelter-In-Place Order which began March 17, 2020, when I was forbidden to work or meet any real estate clients in person. The original post can be found at–be-kind.

By nature, most REALTORS are good people who care about others. During this challenging time of Sheltering In Place to slow the spread of COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to be kind.
As a REALTOR, I am sharing my heart as well as resources with people in my “tribe” of clients, as well as others. Here are some of what I’ve been doing to be a good neighbor to others in my community.
I’ve put out a “FREE” basket at the end of my driveway and am sharing lemons, tangerines, limes, rice and beans (as well as books) with neighbors, and posting what’s available via NextDoor.
We are also sharing via a “Little Free Pantry” here locally, and telling others about it.
For those who may be in need, we’re promoting the Food Ministry at The Home Church, that partners with Second Harvest Food Bank.
Through NextDoor I found a local resource for gloves, sanitizer, cloth masks, and even toilet paper! I’ve been sharing this resource with my friends and clients. One client is definitely looking forward to receiving her first delivery of toilet paper in 6 weeks!
When out in public, I wear gloves and a mask-not because I’m sick, but because I want to spread peace of mind to the people I may encounter who are anxious about encountering someone who is contagious.
To reduce my own circulation, I usually only go out to stores twice a week. If someone’s already in an aisle, I will usually go down another aisle and wait to enter so I don’t cause someone anxiety.
To stay healthy, we are walking daily in our neighborhood. And we are sure to wave and say “hello” through our masks to our neighbors-even ones we don’t know.
To help spread cheer in the neighborhood, we’ve put Teddy Bears in the windows so the children walking can do a “Teddy Bear Hunt” to see count how many bears they can find on different streets.
I’ve spent more time on the phone calling past clients and friends to say hello, see how they are doing, and offer to share help and resources. And yes, I’ve even begun incorporating Zoom calls to share good information with people.
Thanks for reading “In a World of COVID-19, Be Kind.”