Things Gone Missing for Quarantine (singable to the tune of “My Favorite Things” from “The Sound of Music”)
Rolled toilet paper and hand sanitizers,
large peanut butters and face-shielding visors,
masks, gloves and hand soap and cheap bottled wine,
these are some things quarantinos can’t find.
Cases of water, dried pastas, and bleach,
cartons of fresh eggs, but only two each,
favorite pet foods and rub alcohol,
we wish the markets could stock these for all!
Milk and thermometers, throat drops, peroxide,
freedom to enter without waiting outside,
these were the grocery things we knew before,
but in this virus time they are no more.
As we wait now, til the coast clears,
hiding for a while,
think of past good times and fend off your fears.
May things missing make you smile!
© 2020 by Laura Kinney Farrand
Submitted by Laura Kinney Farrand, Los Angeles County – Santa Monica.