We are continuing to practice social distancing, which basically has meant staying home. I am going to work in the office. Matt picked up his work computer so he has that at home and can work on a few projects at home around helping the kids with their school work. On Tuesday they picked up computers for the boys to use for the remote learning from the school. It has been a challenge for all of them, and the teachers, as they try to sort out what the kids school be doing and how best to communicate that information. The mantra is one day at a time.
And yesterday, the County issued a shelter at home declaration starting at 5 p.m. today. That doesn’t change a whole lot for us, or really anything, but knowing that we will have a long haul ahead of us as we do our part to address the global pandemic.
Today the kids did another art project. Getting some fun in while dealing with all the uncertainty.
This was first published on the Arnold family blog, here.
Submitted by the Arnold family, San Luis Obsipo County – San Luis Obispo.